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Dark (anime planet)

From Dragon Ball Encyclopedia


"I'm getting a vision!"
Uranai Baba says this article is in need of some images, so what are you waiting for?
This is one old lady you don't want to upset.

Planet Dark (暗黒 星, Ankoku Sei; FUNimation "Dark Star") is a planet in the East Galaxy.


During the battle aboard Babidi's Spaceship, Son Goku battled against Yakon, a strange alien creature. After a quick fight, Babidi decided to transfer the warriors to Yakon's homeworld so that he could fight at his best. Upon arrival, it was apparent that the name held up as the planet was pitch black. Yakon believed he had the upper hand seeing as how this was his homeworld and that he was apparently nocturnal. He soon realized, however, what he was up against when Goku, despite initial surprise at the new environment, easily beat him around. Goku explained that he could feel and sense out Yakon's movements without even needing to see. Nevertheless, Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan, lighting up the surrounding area. Yakon proceeded to suck in Goku's energy, revealing that the monster fed on light. Goku saw right through the technique and allowed Yakon to suck in even more of his energy. This time, Goku kicked his power into overdrive and Yakon swallowed far too much, obliterating him. Babidi then returned the warriors to his ship and the planet was never mentioned again.

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