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Gigantic Buster

From Dragon Ball Encyclopedia

Directory: TechniquesPhysical techniquesMartial artsRush attacks

The Gigantic Buster (ギガンティック バスター, Gigantikku Basutā) is a rush attack used by Broly in his Legendary Super Saiyan form.


First, Legendary Super Saiyan Broly shouts, "Get out!" as he charges at his opponent and punches them into the air. Next, he headbutts his falling opponent and roundhouse kicks them onto the ground. Then, he rushes at his opponent and kicks them back up into the air. Finally, Legendary Super Saiyan Broly blasts them away into the ground with the Eraser Cannon, inflicting a massive amount of damage.



Legendary Super Saiyan Broly used this attack in his fight against Piccolo in Dragon Ball Z: Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan. When the stone tower that he stood on was destroyed by the Combined Masenko of Future Trunks and Son Gohan, Broly fell to the ground feet-first with Piccolo in pursuit. Legendary Super Saiyan Broly sensed Piccolo, however, and attacked him with the Gigantic Buster rush (knocking out Gohan and Future Trunks in the process). He battered the Namekian and blasted him meters away into a cliff.

Video games

The Gigantic Buster appeared in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast and is Broly's Ultimate Blast in his Super Saiyan 3 form.