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DBZK Episode 31

From Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the ''Dragon Ball'' wiki

Goku Arrives At Last! Take Down the Ginyu Force! (孫 悟空 ついに 到着! 蹴散らせ ギニュー 特戦隊, Son Gokū Tsuini Tōchaku! Kechirase Ginyū Tokusentai) is the thirty-first episode in the Dragon Ball Z Kai anime.


Goku swiftly knocking Butta unconcious.

Son Goku completed his journey and arrived on Planet Namek. He gave Senzu to Kuririn, Son Gohan, and Vegeta. Much to the shock of everyone, he then made short work of Recoome. Butta and Jheese tried to take him down, but due to his incredible speed they were unable to land a single hit. Even their Purple Spiral Flash did no good. Afterwards, Goku began to fight back. He utilized a rush attack similar to the Kaio-ken Finish to disable Butta, leaving him unconcious. Now only Jheese and Ginyu remained.

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