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"Oh, this is just great! You know how long it's gonna take ta wash all this dust outta my hair."
Jheese in "Recoome Unleashed"

Jheese (ジース, Jiisu; FUNimation "Jeice", Viz "Jheese") is a member of the Ginyu Special Corps.

Jheese's Japanese name is a pun on the word Chiizu, or Cheese in English.

Appearance and personality

Jheese is extremely flamboyant, has red skin, and white hair.


Dragon Ball Z

Namek Saga

Main article: Namek Saga

Jheese striking a pose.

Nicknamed Red Magma, or Crimson Inferno in the manga, Jheese often paired with Butta for combination attacks. Like Butta, he lost the initial Rock-Paper-Scissors contest with Reacoom and did not get to fight either Son Gohan, Kuririn, or Vegeta. However, after Guldo's death, he and Butta play to see who will get to take on the two Earthlings and finish what Ghurd started. After Reacoom defeats Vegeta, Jheese and Butta allow him to have fun with Gohan and Kuririn as well. After Goku arrives and defeats Reacoom with a single blow and revitalizes Gohan, Kuririn and Vegeta using Senzu Beans, Jeice is not impressed with his scouter's power reading of 5,000 for Goku. Butta convinces him further that Goku just got lucky since Reacoom let his guard down. He and Butta jump in to kill Goku, but the Saiyan proves more powerful than they had anticipated.

Captain Ginyu Saga

Main article: Captain Ginyu Saga

Ginyu wanting to face Goku after Jheese alerts him of the threat.
Vegeta performing a combination of bone-cracking maneuvers on Jheese.
Jheese being executed by Vegeta.

For all his boasting, Jheese is actually quite cowardly when faced with a stronger threat such as Goku. After Goku defeats Butta as well, and Vegeta kills his incapacitated comrades, Jheese fearfully leaves his friends behind and flees back to Freeza's ship in order to inform Captain Ginyu of the team's decimation. Captain Ginyu implies that he's angry at Jheese for running away, and he treats him rather harshly as a result. When the battle between Captain Ginyu and Goku commences, Jheese remains on the sidelines as a spectator, apart from one instance when he interferes, stepping in and trying to help Ginyu. This results in Captain Ginyu releasing Goku from his grip and warning Jheese never to meddle again while he's in combat.

For the rest of his screen time, Jheese tags along with Captain Ginyu (at this point in Goku's body). Jheese arrives along with Ginyu in front of Kuririn and Gohan, who are surprised to see that Ginyu has switched bodies with Goku. After Jheese does some posing for a while with Ginyu, Goku arrives in Ginyu's body, still damaged. As Goku, Gohan, and Kuririn battle against Ginyu, Jheese ultimately runs into Vegeta, who engages him in battle. As they quickly trade blows in Freeza's ship and Jheese manages to ram Vegeta into a ventilation shaft, he thinks he's gained the upper hand. Vegeta continues to toy with him before revealing to him how his strength has increased substantially.

When reading Vegeta's battle power, Jheese's Scouter went haywire and he broke it out of frustration. Not willing to accept Vegeta's strength, Jheese continued to attack Vegeta, only to get pummeled. Vegeta then brutally attacked, propelling Jheese into midair and relentlessly destroying him with a blast directly aimed at his face. Jheese begged for his life before being executed. After he was eliminated, Goku disapproved of Vegeta's harsh behavior, but Vegeta quickly reciprocated by reminding Goku why his conscience and emotions were a weakness.

Frieza Saga

Main article: Frieza Saga

In another instance exclusive to the anime, he and the rest of the deceased Ginyu Special Corps members (minus Ginyu himself due to still being alive and trapped in the body of a Frog) traveled to North Kaio's World and squared off against the Z Warriors who were training there. Jheese teamed up with Butta again, though both were blasted into Hell by Tenshinhan. It is unknown how they managed to bypass King Yemma and arrive on the planet, though North Kaio implied that he may have given them permission to travel there in order to witness the strength Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and Yamucha had acquired through their extensive training.

Great Saiyaman Saga

Main article: Great Saiyaman Saga

Jheese shown in a prison cell with fellow villains after being impaled.

In a filler episode when Goku was in the Next World, Grand Kaio informed him that Freeza and Super Perfect Cell had teamed up and that they were trying to escape from Hell. When Goku and Paikuhan arrived, the likes of Freeza, King Cold, the Ginyu Special Corps, and Super Perfect Cell were threatening and interrogating Ogres in order to obtain a means of escape. Jheese and the other Ginyu Special Corps members tried to attack Goku simultaneously, but he defeated them all with ease and they fell into the Bloody Pond. Jheese was defeated with a punch to the stomach. When Pikkon spun around and created a tornado-esque attack, he created a whirlpool and the Ginyu Special Corps was lifted into the air and they all fell into Needle Mountain and were impaled them. Shortly afterward, they all ended up in a prison cell.

In another episode, Jheese also viewed the battle between Goku and Kid Boo amongst fellow villains in the Kid Boo Saga.

Dragon Ball GT

Super 17 Saga

Main article: Super 17 Saga

Jheese and other villains in line waiting to be returned to Hell by Yama.

Jheese returned from Hell with the other villains to make a brief appearance when the inter-dimensional rift opened. He was eventually sent back with the rest of the villains after being defeated.


Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn

Jheese in Fusion Reborn.

Jheese made a brief cameo in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn along with Butta and ReaCoom. They all ran away after Gohan defeated Freeza with one punch.

Video games

Jheese appeared in Dragon Ball Z: The Legend, Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, and Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2.


Jheese is of the same race as Baniira and Mūsu.

Battle power

Kuririn states that Jheese's ki is the same as that of ReaCoom[2] Contrary to this, Dragon Ball Z: Sagas places the total battle power of Butta and ReaCoom at 95,000. Since Ginyu states that Goku needs a battle power of roughly 60,000 to defeat the combined powers of Butta and Jheese, the game appears to be in error. He is at a maximum of 64,000 during the battle against Jheese in Dragon Ball Z: Sūpā Saiya Densetsu.


Voice actors


Cold's soldier who looks similar to Jheese.
  • Jheese's blood is purple as shown when Goku punches him in the nose in "Ginyu Assault" and later when we witness purple blood fly from his nose.
  • Jheese's accent was changed from a Brummie accent to an Australian accent after most characters' voices were changed when FUNimation took over.
  • One of the lines he tends to say before a battle ensues in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi is "Don't play stupid with me, wanker!" The word "wanker" is cut out in the game's sequels, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, since the word is considered inappropriate, although a residual 'w' sound can still be heard at the end of the statement.
  • Jheese's English name is a pun on the word Juice. Coincidentally, if you listen to Chi-Chi's commentary in Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3, she will state that at first she thought his name was Juice.
  • The video games describe Jheese and Sauzer as being of the same race. A third member (who resembles Jheese more closely) appears to be part of King Cold's Spaceship crew.
