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Ultimate Impact

From Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the ''Dragon Ball'' wiki

Directory: TechniquesPhysical techniquesMartial artsRush attacks

The Ultimate Impact (アルティメット インパクト, Aruteimetto Inpakuto) is a rush attack used by Gogeta. First, Gogeta charges at the opponent and kicks them in their stomach and says, "Here goes!" before bicycle kicking them up into the air. Second, he flies up to the opponent and attacks them with a powerful barrage of punches and kicks at a very rapid rate. Then, he appears behind the opponent saying, "It's over." Next, he turns around to elbow the opponent in their face and spin kicks them away. Finally, Gogeta teleports above the opponent and hook kicks them down into the ground, inflicting a massive amount of damage.

Gogeta used part of this attack in his battle against Omega Shenron. Omega had just blasted Gogeta with a countless number of energy bullets. After the smoke cleared, Gogeta had looked like he had just taken a serious amount of damage. But then, Gogeta got up and said that Omega Shenron's attack "...took care of a crick in his neck that was bothering him for a while." Gogeta then turned his back to the Evil Dragon and said, "Hey, dragon, I hope this isn't too much to ask, but can you do my backside now?" Gogeta thhen laughed a little afterwards. Omega Shenron, furious at Gogeta's cockiness, charged in to attack the fused Saiyan fighter. Gogeta countered with the Ultimate Impact rush's elbow and spin kick attacks, however, stunning Omega Shenron and kicking him into a nearby building.

Ultimate Impact is named in the Budokai Tenkaichi video game series and is one of Gogeta's Blast 2 attacks in his Super Saiyan 4 form.