Bring It!

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Bring It! (来いっ!) is a counter rush attack used by Super Boo after his absorption of Gotenks and Piccolo. Before the opponent attacks him, Super Buu w/Gotenks absorbed shouts, "Come here!" as he strangles the opponent by his antenna. Then, he brings the opponent closer with his antenna and punches them spiraling away before blasting them with a pink energy wave, inflicting a high amount of damage.

Super Buu w/ Gotenks used this attack during his battle with Gohan in his ultimate form. Gohan attempted to kick Super Buu, but the Majin easily caught Gohan's leg. Gohan fired an energy wave at Super Buu, but he dodged it and attacked Gohan with the "Bring It!" rush, knocking and blasting him into a mountain. However, Gohan managed to survive the attack and he continued the battle with Super Buu.

"Bring It!" was named in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, and is one of Super Buu w/Gotenks absorbed's Super Attacks.