Aka (film character)

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"You're not bad, junior."
Aka in Dragon Ball: Ossu! Kaette Kita Son Goku to Nakama-tachi!!

Aka (アカ, Aka) is the result of a Fusion between two brothers, Abo and Kado.


Aka has a protruding appendage similar to that of Majin Boo. Aka bares some resemblance to Dodoria, another henchman of Freeza. This can be attributed to comparing body builds and the spiky appendages which scale their bodies.


Aka becoming angry.
Aka charging the Wahaha no Ha.

Abo and Kado were once soldiers who served Freeza, ranking in the same tier as the Ginyu Force, as Vegeta explains in hindsight. Two years after the defeat of Kid Buu, Vegeta's estranged brother Tarble, accompanied by his wife Gure, flee to Earth to seek Vegeta's assistance in defeating the brother duo, whom Tarble confesses have since become as powerful as Freeza and have been terrorizing a remote star which he calls home.

Abo and Kado pursuit Tarble and Gure to Earth using Saiyan Space Pods where Trunks and Son Goten are unleashed on the two. After struggles from both sides, Abo and Kado fuse into Aka, prompting Trunks and Goten to fuse into Gotenks and incite another battle. When Aka begins demonstrating a significant devastating power, Son Goku and Vegeta prepare to destroy him, competing to see who would be the first in eliminating him; however, Goku plays a trick on Vegeta, distracting him and giving Goku a chance to use Instant Transmission and defeat Aka alone.


Flaming Wahaha no Ha


Voice actors[edit]


  • Gotenks calls Aka Abokado, a pun on the word Avocado.