Anoyoichi Tournament

From Dragon Ball Encyclopedia

This article is about a subject that only appeared in the Anime. Anime only.png
The Next World Tournament Stadium
The Next World Tournament rules being given by Alien Announcer.
The Next World Tournament beginning.
Grand Kaio ringing the bell.

The Anoyoichi Tournament (あの世一 武道会, Anoyoichi Budōkai; FUNimation "Other World Tournament") was a martial arts tournament for deceased fighters held in the Next World and hosted by Grand Kaio. The winner would receive training from Grand Kaio himself. The tournament was filled with powerful fighters with unique abilities. During the Great Saiyaman Saga, the tournament that was held ended in a draw between two fighters, Son Goku and Pikkon, and Grand Kaio promised training for both of them in 200 years.

The rules were: "If you fall from the ring, start to cry, or give up you lose the match. And poking in the eye or hitting below the belt are plain mean and are not allowed. Needless to say you can't kill anybody in this tournament cause they're already dead!"

Olibu's first opponent was Chapuchai, a fighter from the Eastern Galaxy who could split into several versions of himself. Olibu defeated him by making all the Chapuchais collide with each other. Goku's first opponent was Caterpy of the Southern Galaxy. When Caterpy morphed into his ultimate form (which would take 1,200 years), Goku won by default.

During the quarterfinals, the two fighters from the Northern Galaxy were Goku and Olibu. From the West Galaxy came Pikkon, Tapkar, and Maraikoh. From the Eastern Galaxy came Arqua. From the South Galaxy came Froug and Torbie.

Torbie went up against Tapkar, who wore himself out running around before the fight began and gave up. Maraikoh went up against Froug, who expanded like a balloon to push Maraikoh out of the ring. Maraikoh won by throwing him into an asteroid. Goku went up against Arqua, who turned the ring into water, but was defeated when Goku used the Solar Flare and then the Kamehameha. East Kaio punished Arqua (along with her other fighters) by making him run a thousand laps around Grand Kaio's Palace. Olibu fought against Pikkon. They were evenly matched, but Pikkon won.

In the semifinals, Goku fought against Maraikoh and defeated him by throwing him out of the ring and knocking him out. West Kaio and North Kaio made a bet that if Goku won, North Kaio would get West Kaio's World and if Pikkon won, North Kaio would become West Kaoi's slave. Pikkon easily defeated Torbie and then Goku and Pikkon fought in the finals. Pikkon nearly won with his Thunder Flash attack, but Goku defeated him with a combination of the Instant Transmission and the Kamehameha. Unfortunately, both Goku and Pikkon were disqualified by Grand Kaio for breaking the tournament rules by touching the ceiling of the stadium. Thus, nobody won.

The Next World Tournament made a cameo appearance in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn with Goku defeating Froug and Pikkon defeating Arqua in the finals. Goku and Pikkon's fight in the final round was interrupted when Janemba started to cause trouble.

Known contestants[edit]


  • The rules say that you lose if you fall from the ring, start to cry, or give up. Caterpy does start to cry when Goku hits him, however, and Goku does not win by default until it is revealed that Caterpy's transformation into his ultimate form will take 1,200 years.
  • According to Grand Kaio, the reason that a fighter is disqualified if he touches the ceiling is because "The ceiling is the same as the floor because if you stand on your head, the floor is the ceiling and the ceiling's the floor."