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From Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the ''Dragon Ball'' wiki

Directory: TechniquesOffensive techniquesKiEnergy beams

The Dodonpa (どどん波, Dodonpa; FUNimation "Dodon Ray"; Literally meaning "Kaboom Wave") is an energy beam attack used by members of the Crane School.

It is the Crane School's answer to the Turtle School's Kamehameha.


Unlike most other energy attacks, the Dodonpa seems to be something of a superheated beam shot from the finger. An example is shown when a person who was covered in bandages because of burns caused by the attack appeared during the Tien Shinhan Saga.


The Kamehameha is inferior to the Dodonpa according to Turtle Hermit. It is definitely more powerful than an average Kamehameha. Unlike the Kamehameha, however, it does not seem to require much charging, but will definitely be much more powerful when doing so. Also unlike the Kamehameha, which relies more on brute force to blast an enemy away, the Dodonpa is more concentrated in piercing through a specific point on the body.

This stronger version of the Dodonpa requires the user to charge up as much power as possible and then fire it at their opponent, rather than shoot multiple, weaker Dodonpa. It also creates a much bigger explosion upon impact. Chaozu uses this in his match against Kuririn after Crane Hermit orderes him to kill Kuririn during their match. There are, however, much more powerful variations of the attack that exist such as the Super Dodon Blast and the Super Dodonpa.


It was never made clear whether Tao Pai Pai or his brother, Crane Hermit, invented the technique, but it was used by both of them.

Dragon Ball Z[edit]

Vegeta Saga[edit]

Piccolo used a similar attack against his clone while training for the Saiyans' arrival on Planet Earth. The color was red and orange, however, instead of only orange.

Frieza Saga and Cell Saga[edit]

Freeza and Cell used a similar attack (a beam of energy shot out of the finger), but this beam actually pierced the victim's chest and came out of the other side, causing a fatal wound.


Tao used this attack in his fight against Son Goku in Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure.

Video games[edit]

Budokai video game series[edit]

In the Budokai video game series, Tiencha, the Fusion of Yamucha and Tenshinhan, had his own version that combined the Dodonpa and the Kamehameha into a new technique named the Dodohameha.

Budokai Tenkaichi video game series[edit]

In the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi video game series, Cyborg Tao Pai Pai's version of the Dodonpa is named the Original Dodon Ray. He removes one of his metal hands to fire it fueled by both his mechanical and organic components which lands a heavy amount of damage.

Dragon Ball Online[edit]

In Dragon Ball Online, a variation named the Dodon Barrage was invented in which multiple Dodonpa were fired in quick succession.


  • Super Dodon Blast - A much more powerful adaptation of the technique which is only seen in use by Chaozu.
  • Super Dodonpa - The strongest adaptation of the Dodonpa which is used by Cyborg Tao in Dragon Ball Z against Tenshinhan, however, it dispersed in mid-air with a simple Kiai when Tao launched it after cutting Tenshinhan's chest with a concealed knife.
