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Bureibu Gatoringu

From Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the ''Dragon Ball'' wiki

(Redirected from Brave Gatling)

Directory: TechniquesOffensive techniquesKiEnergy sphere barrages

The Bureibu Gatoringu (ブレイブ ガトリング, Bureibu Gatoringu; Literally meaning "Brave Gatling") is an energy sphere barrage attack used by Bido.


First, Bido points all ten of his fingers at his opponent. Next, he charges up a small red energy sphere on the tip of each finger. Finally, Bido fires the red spheres of energy at his opponent.



Bido used this attack in the first round of his battle, along with Bujin and Zangya, against Son Gohan in Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound .

Video games

The Bureibu Gatoringu appeared in Dragon Ball Heroes.