Fat Boo

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(Redirected from Mr. Buu)

"So, do you want to be candy, cookie, or pudding when Buu eats you?"
— "Unlikely Friendship"

Fat Boo (魔人 ブウ 善, Majin Bū Zen; FUNimation "Majin Buu", Viz "Djinn Boo"; Literally meaning "Good Majin Boo") was the magical being created by the evil wizard Bibidi. Fat Buu was the first form of Majin Buu seen in the manga and anime, however, Majin Buu took many forms, all of which are linked below. In the series, all of the forms are simply referred to as "Majin Buu" – the various forms get their common names from many of the Dragon Ball Z video games. Buu, along with his creator Bibidi and Babidi, have names that are likely references to the song "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" that the Fairy Godmother sings in Cinderella. In Japanese, the word "majin" in this case is roughly translated as "magical person".


[edit] Personality

Fat Buu showing his childish personality.

Although he is one of the most powerful entities in Dragon Ball Z, Majin Buu is often playful and childish, revealing that he destroys things for fun simply from old instructions from his master, stopping once told what he was doing was wrong. Though he is playful and silly, his evil side is readily apparent, especially shown when his eyes widen and steam shoots out of the vents on his body. He finds enjoyment in taking the lives of many and shows no remorse, though this is because he treats everything as a game. In battle, he fights in a bullying manner by using his immense size to outflank his opponent. During his second battle against Gotenks, Gotenks was preparing the Kamekazi ghosts of his Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack for battle. Piccolo showed Gotenks that Buu had already regenerated from the last Super Ghost attack. Super Buu was also lying on his stomach drinking a soda (though it looked like a milkshake) and reading a magazine, much to Gotenks's fury and embarassment. Also, when Goku and Vegeta were preparing for battle, Kid Buu was sleeping, much to Goku's surprise. Despite the pleasure he takes in mass murder, it is later revealed that he only committed such acts because he was unaware of their morality, and because he had been commanded to do so by Babidi – and Bibidi before him. The Daikaioh's presence is more influential in this form than in Super Buu, who is mostly evil and is influenced very little by the Kaio. He literally struggles with the evil inside himself, with the evil winning and usurping near complete control, Majin Buu becoming far more dangerous as a result. Buu also possessed an enormous appetite for sweets, shown to far exceed even Goku's eating habits as Buu was still hungry after he once turned a whole city of people into candy and ate them. He was extremely naive as he was completely ignorant of Hercule's (inept) attempts to kill him as well as the fact that Bibidi and Babidi were using him.

[edit] Background

Ultra Boo absorbing Grand Kaioshin.

Fat Boo is the result of Ultra Boo's absorption of Daikaioh, the supreme ruler of all Kaios. The merging of Ultra Boo with the benevolent and innocent Daikaioh resulted in a child-like, care free being known as Fat Buu who, despite his behavior, possessed power that greatly exceeded that of a Super Saiyan 2.

[edit] Revival

Majin Boo being released from his cocoon.

Fat Buu was first introduced during the Babidi Saga, and was the first Majin Boo form seen in the manga or anime. After being released from his cocoon by Babidi, he had a brief battle with the Supreme Kai and Son Gohan in which he easily defeated both of them with little effort. He was then confronted by Vegeta who fared far better than Gohan or the Supreme Kai, but was ultimately outmatched by the monstrous Buu. With no options left, Vegeta sacrificed himself in an effort to defeat Fat Boo for good by blowing himself and Boo to pieces (he in particular is turned to stone, and crumbles to dust when it falls to the ground). Boo, however, revealed his Regeneration technique's virtually limitless capabilities and came back to life. Together, he and Babidi went on to rampage throughout Earth searching for Son Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo for their individual parts in almost ruining Babidi's plan.

[edit] The Challenge by Goku

Fat Buu

Their rampage is later interrupted by Son Goku, who revealed his Super Saiyan 3 transformation and was able to fight and overtake Fat Buu. He then halted their fight, however, after Trunks successfully found the Dragon Radar, informing Buu that in two days there would be another strong fighter to fight him and give him a real challenge. Majin Buu remembered this throughout his transformations and awaited this fight. Before he left, Goku asked Majin Buu why he took orders from Babidi, considering their enormous difference in strength. Right after Goku left, Majin Buu turned on Babidi, killing him and going on an uncontrolled rampage destroying city after city. During this rampage, Buu met a blind boy named Tommy. Upset that Tommy did not run away scared, Buu healed the boy, however, he still treated Buu with kindness. In return, Buu turned an old man into a carton of milk for him.

[edit] Surprising friendship with Mr. Satan

A day later, he is challenged by Gotenks and quickly defeats him. He then builds a house made out of humans he turned into clay, where he meets Mr. Satan who attempts numerous times to kill Buu through poison, explosives and even physical assault, all of which fail so miserably that Buu doesn’t even realize that they are murder attempts. Mr. Satan eventually gives up and begins performing maid services for Buu such as cooking for him and giving him baths. While he is living with Mr. Satan, Buu finds a hurt dog by the side of the road and brings it to Mr. Satan, perplexed at why it wasn’t running away from him. Mr. Satan tells him that the dog is hurt, so in response, Buu heals him with his magic. The dog, who he names Bee, becomes the first creature to show affection to Buu and the first creature Buu shows genuine love for. This causes Mr. Satan to stop trying to kill Buu and instead try to find out why he murders people. Buu tells him that he just does it because Bibidi and Babidi told him to destroy. Mr. Satan tells him that killing people is a bad thing, so Buu vows never to do it again.

[edit] Evil Buu emerges

Evil Buu triumphs over Fat Buu.

It seems that the world was saved by Mr. Satan now that the monster had been tamed, and all was well until two gunmen with the goal of taking on Buu before they died arrived and shot Bee as he was playing with Buu. This caused Buu to become more enraged than he had ever been before, but this anger was quelled by Mr. Satan’s disposing of the two gunman and taking Bee back to Buu to be healed. The situation seemed fixed as Buu rebuilt his house in the shape of Bee and Hercule resumed his maid tasks. Buu now seemed fully changed, playing with Bee and even asking Mr. Satan to sit and eat with him. Mr. Satan even destroyed the fake pictures of Buu being defeated that he had taken. This lasted until the gunman who had shot Bee returned and shot Mr. Satan in the back. Buu was able to heal him, but the pain of losing his best friend was still so great that he struggled to control his anger. He finally had to expel all the evil inside of him in order to keep himself in control. The evil left Buu in the form of a giant cloud, taking most of his power with it. What was left of Fat Buu (now Mr. Buu) watched as the cloud took form and became Evil Buu. A battle soon ensued between the two Buus, the Evil Buu dominating over Mr. Buu. Mr. Buu was ultimately turned into chocolate by Evil Buu and devoured, causing them to re-merge into one being, Super Buu. It is unknown why Good Buu was not the result of the re-merging of the two. It may have been that Mr. Buu was not fully absorbed, and therefore Good Buu was not a result.

Though Super Buu was almost pure evil, Mr. Buu was still able to affect his actions slightly, preventing him from attacking Mr. Satan, Bee, and Videl on multiple occasions. Mr. Buu was later detached from Super Buu by Vegeta, and once the power of the Kaios was removed from him, Super Buu reverted back to Ultra Buu momentarliy and then into the insane creature created by Bibidi, Kid Buu (the original Majin Buu). Although Mr. Buu was no longer "connected" to Kid Buu, his presence inside Kid Buu alone prevented Kid Buu from attacking Mr. Satan and Bee until he was finally spat out.

[edit] Return of Good Buu

Mr. Buu fighting Kid Buu.

Mr. Buu then stepped into the fight for Mr. Satan, and even though Kid Buu was far more powerful, Mr. Buu was able to land a few good hits on Kid Buu due to his increased strength. He held Kid Buu off while Goku and Vegeta readied the Spirit Bomb to defeat Kid Buu. Mr. Buu was soon defeated by Kid Buu though and presumed dead, so Vegeta battled Kid Buu while Goku readied the Spirit Bomb. The Spirit Bomb was formed, but Goku was unable to launch it due to Vegeta being immobile right next to Kid Buu. Kid Buu prepared a final Planet Burst attack to kill Goku when suddenly Mr. Buu appeared again, not quite beaten yet. He and Mr. Satan rushed into the battle, Mr. Buu tackling Kid Buu and causing him to throw the attack and miss. Meanwhile, Mr. Satan rescued Vegeta and got him to safety. Goku threw the Spirit Bomb, and after some struggle, the monster was finally defeated and the universe was saved. After the battle, Goku used the Earth Dragon Balls to wish that no Earthling remembered the havoc wreaked on the world by Majin Buu. Soon after, Mr. Buu was officially given the name of Mr. Buu and joined in the celebration of his evil counterpart's defeat at Bulma's house. 10 years later, Mr. Buu entered the 28th World Tournament at the end of the DBZ series, and during the ten years he lost to Mr. Satan on purpose and was promised to have his chance at being champion eventually. During this time, he apparently also got his own fanbase, as Goku noted that Mr. Buu seemed to acquire a lot of adoring fangirls when going to the ring for selection. He also convinced Mr. Buu to use his magic to rig the selection so that Mr. Buu could fight Goten, and so Goku could fight Uub.

[edit] Dragon Ball GT

[edit] The Parasite, Baby

Mr. Buu in Dragon Ball GT.

Years later, in Dragon Ball GT, Mr. Buu was first seen at Mr. Satan's house where people under Baby's control were at. Due to his complete control over his body, he easily resisted Baby's egg planted within him and ejected it out of his body. Mr. Buu blew a group of his minions away. Later, they went to Goku's house where he and Pan were being attacked by Goten Baby and Gohan Baby. Mr. Buu took Mr. Satan and Pan to safety by Goku's request. Mr. Buu, Mr. Satan, and Pan decided to go to Planet Tuffle to free some of Baby's minions. Uub ended up coming to the rescue to help. Mr. Buu realized that Uub was the reincarnation of Kid Buu. Mr. Buu then took Mr. Satan and Pan to safety. He said that Mr. Satan was his best friend and that he would never forget him. He then flew off to help Uub. Mr. Buu sucked in Baby's Revenge Death Ball to save Uub. Mr. Buu explained that he and Uub were once one a long time ago. They then fused together and became Majuub.

[edit] The Ultimate Android, Super 17

In the Super 17 Saga, even though he was not seen, he made one last appearance. Mr. Satan was upset about Mr. Buu being gone and decided to give up being the champion. During the Majuub and Mr. Satan fight, Mr. Buu talked to Majuub about what people would think if Mr. Satan lost the fight.

[edit] Dragon Ball Online

It is explained in Dragon Ball Online that in 790 Age, Majin Buu read one of Hercule's adult books, causing him to long for love. He created a wife for himself named Booby, and after shooting her with a Love Beam, they had a son. It is implied that Buu's family continued to grow, and thus the formation of the Majin race on Earth – who play an important role in the story of Dragon Ball Online. It is important to note that Dragon Ball Online ignores and contradicts Dragon Ball GT completely.

[edit] Forms

[edit] Mr. Buu

Once Fat Buu expels Evil Buu, he becomes pure good, but loses most of his power. Fat Buu, now named Mr. Boo (ミスター ブウ, Misutā Bū; FUNimation "Mr. Buu"), had a brief fight with Evil Buu in which he was greatly out-classed and ultimately absorbed through ingestion. Though this was the weakest Majin Buu, his power was still immense compared to most other characters in the series. Once he was absorbed, all of the Kaio’s influence went into his being, allowing Super Buu to be uninhibited by any form of good, with the exception of Mr. Buu's memories of Mr. Satan and Bee, which stopped Super Buu from attacking them on multiple occasions.

A battle weary Mr. Buu

After re-fusing into Evil Buu, Mr. Buu basically represented all of the power gained by Kid Buu through the absorption of the Kaios. Once this power was removed from Super Buu, he transformed back into Kid Buu. Later, after Kid Buu was defeated, Mr. Buu was officially called Mr. Buu by the main cast (excepting one notable instance in the Neko Majin Z series where he still referred to himself as "Majin Buu", although he stated that he was on a walk from Satan City), and although Mr. Buu was the same as Fat Buu on the outside, he was noticeably different on the inside. He no longer widened his eyes in fits of anger. All the evil tendencies seen in Fat Buu were gone and he was now pure good.

[edit] Fusions

[edit] Majuub

Main article: Majuub

After saving Uub from an attack by Baby, Buu explained his past to him and stated that he and Uub were once a single being. He then proceeded to merge with Uub, creating Majuub, a far more powerful version of Uub.

[edit] Other forms

[edit] Evil Buu

Main article: Evil Buu

This form represented all of the evil inside Buu. This form outmatched the remaining Mr. Buu, allowing Evil Buu to absorb him after a brief battle.

[edit] Super Buu

Main article: Super Buu

Super Buu was the result of Evil Buu absorbing Mr. Buu. This form specialized in absorbing enemy combatants, such as several of the Z Warriors, resulting in subsequent massive power increases for Super Buu.

[edit] Kid Buu

Main article: Kid Buu

This was the original incarnation of Majin Buu created by Bibidi. He was more powerful Mr. Good Buu, and was stated by Old Kaio to be the most dangerous version of the being.

[edit] Special abilities

Ki Blast

Ki Blast is the most basic form of energy wave.


Majin Buu fully engulfs and takes an opponent into his body to cause an increase in physical and mental prowess. Majin Buu usually has a severed body part liquefy, or he has a piece of skin fall off of his body. The goo will then sneak up behind the person, and stretch itself to be large enough to accommodate the target. The goo will then leap onto the person. The goo will try to smother as much of the target as it can on the first strike to make the capture easier. If Majin Buu is lucky, the goo will completely cover the target on the first leap. Once the goo is on the person, it will quickly cover up any part of the person that wasn't covered during when it first leaped. Once the target is completely covered, the goo will squeeze and solidify, trapping the person. It is seemingly impossible to escape the goo, no matter what the circumstances (such as Piccolo, who the goo took a long time to cover due to his armor). Majin Buu will then raise his finger up, and the goo will then launch up into the air with the person inside of it. The goo will then fly straight into Majin Buu and cover him. During the transformation, Majin Buu will become liquid himself, meaning that he is basically taking over the goo and has surrounded the person with his own liquefied body. He then begins to meld back into solid form, making sure the person is in the center of the goo. The person is shrunken and is put inside Majin Buu's body in a pod. Majin Buu's Fat Buu form is assumed as a result of absorbing the obese Supreme Kai.

Body Manipulation and Regeneration
Buu morphing his face into a handsome young man in order to impress a woman he meets.

Majin Buu has full control over every aspect of his physical make-up, able to stretch, shape-shift, liquefy, and otherwise manipulate his malleable body; useful as both an attack and defense and as a tool in absorption. He can also regenerate his body at a sub-molecular level, allowing him to survive virtually anything; however, he was unable to regenerate from Goku's Spirit Bomb since it destroyed every atom of Buu. His unrivaled regeneration plus his endless resilience and stamina granted him near-immortality; he is shown at one point to survive the explosion that destroys the Earth. However, it is shown during the fight between Vegito and Super Buu that even his regeneration has its limits; after repeatedly being blow to bits and pounded into oblivion, Buu had to exert more and more effort to restore himself, at one point failing completely for a moment and leaving a gaping hole in his stomach.


Majin Buu can completely heal another being if he so chooses, even if they are blind or near death. So long as the recipient is still alive, Majin Buu can bring them back to health. It is unknown if this ability was possessed by Kid Buu or inherited from the absorbed Daikaioh. He is unable to revive the dead.[1]

Vanishing Beam
Fat Buu firing the Vanishing Beam.

A technique used many times by all forms of Majin Buu and is his signature technique. It is usually an average-sized, pink or purple beam fired from the palm. Fat Buu uses his move against Super Saiyan 3 Goku while being punched in the chest.


A technique taken by watching Goku use it. Majin Buu’s is pink in color. He first used this after recovering from Goku's. He later used a more powerful one in a Super Kamehameha struggle with Evil Buu. Buu mirrors Goku in that he learned the technique after seeing it done only once

Super Kamehameha

The upgraded version of Kamehameha used by Good Buu in his battle with Evil Buu. Unlike his regular Kamehameha, it is blue in color.


Majin Buu uses this to move an entire city of people in the air so he can turn them into whatever he chooses.

Chocolate Beam
Chocolate Beam

This is one of Majin Buu's signature attacks. It is a unique ability to change objects and living beings around him into inanimate objects such as sweets and milk. Though he usually turns them into foods, Majin Buu has transformed a small population into clay for his house on one occasion during the Majin Buu Saga, and Super Buu once transformed a rock into a toilet. Vegito is the only entity that is shown to able to retain his will or move after being hit by the attack, fighting Super Buu as "the world's strongest coffee candy". Majin Buu used this technique against Dabura with success and having the Demon King transformed into a cookie. When Majin Buu expelled his evil and became the pure-hearted Good Buu, he tried utilizing it to finish Evil Buu, but it failed and backfired causing Good Buu's downfall and the result of Super Buu. In the final battle against Kid Buu, Good Buu desperately tried to use the chocolate beam to defeat Kid Buu, but it was also unsuccessful.

Renzoku Kikou Dan

Majin Buu fires many Ki waves from a single hand at once. Majin Buu copied this from Vegeta and used it against Super Saiyan 3 Goku.

Chou Makouhou
Buu's mouth blast

Buu fires a powerful energy blast from his mouth. Used against Gohan, Vegeta, and Gotenks.

Fat Buu defeating Gohan with a devastating attack.

The first technique used by Majin Buu in the anime. Majin Buu puts his arms forward and fires an immense bluish green beam that becomes a ball (instead of the other way around as with most attacks) The attack is so powerful it would have sent Gohan into space if it was not for Supreme Kaio neutralizing the ball. This technique is called Vaporize! in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast.

Super Breath

Majin Buu's used this to knock a group of people over in Dragon Ball GT. He also uses a stronger version, called Flame Shower Breath in the Budokai Tenkaichi video game series and Innocence Cannon in the Budokai video game series, that can level a city.

Angry Explosion
Majin Buu's Angry Explosion

Majin Buu rapidly powers up, creating a strong pink aura that grows exponentially in size and eventually explodes, causing massive damage. While not given in the manga or anime, the attack is named in the seventh Daizenshuu. The technique is listed in the Budokai and Tenkaichi series of video games as Angry Explosion.

Belly Fat Attack

The Belly Fat Attack (腹 肉 攻撃, Hara Niku Kōgeki; Literally meaning "Belly Flesh Attack") is when he grabs his belly yanks off a piece of it. He will then stretch the skin and make it long. Majin Buu will throw the skin at the target, and the skin will suddenly come alive and surround the target. The skin will then constrict the target. This attack is powerful enough to hold the strongest of enemies. It is devastating against regular Humans, as they will be crushed to death in the coils of the skin within a matter of seconds. Even a powered up Majin Vegeta could not escape from it. The skin will continue to crush the target until someone pulls it off or the victim is strong enough to escape. Only Evil Buu was able to escape from it.

Rapid Fire Skin Attack

After detaching a piece of his belly Majin Buu swings it around violently sending giant exploding Ki orbs at the opponent.

Belly Attack

This move is only performed by fat Majin Buu. Majin Buu can perform this attack if the person kicks him in the stomach. The person will be unable to take their foot out, and will slowly start to be sucked inward. Majin Buu will expand his belly so the person can fit inside, and then will continue to suck them inside of his belly. The person is being violently squeezed as this happens, violently enough that loud rubbery noises are heard. The person is sucked in very slowly until they are completely engulfed. Even then, Majin Buu will continue to engulf the person, completely closing off the opening in his stomach. This was used in his battle against Super Saiyan 3 Goku.

Energy Mines

An attack used by Mr. Buu in which he sends multiple tunnels of energy that travel under ground and burst out as dozens of energy balls that fly toward the opponent. While the opponent is distracted by these balls, Buu prepares a much larger blast in his hand and fires it while the opponent isn’t looking. He uses this against Kid Buu and manages to blow off his entire left side.

Energy Barrier

Majin Buu conjured a force field bubble around him when the Earth's military forces tried to destroy him.

Love Beam

A technique Majin Buu used on his wife Booby to create his son Baby Buu prior to the events of Dragon Ball Online.

[edit] Appearances in other media

[edit] Video games

Buu has appeared in the following Dragon Ball-related video games:

[edit] Neko Majin Z

Fat Buu has a cameo appearance in Neko Majin Z, a short series of one-shot manga chapters by Akira Toriyama. Neko Majin's friend finds Buu just wandering around after mistaking him for Neko Majin. Buu is surprised that Neko Majin's friend doesn't know who he is and breaks the fourth wall by mentioning that he's from the Dragon Ball manga. Buu displays his strength while Neko Majin's friend remains unsurprised and responds by saying that Neko Majin does stuff like that all the time (he also mentions how Neko Majin looks and acts similar to Buu). Buu leaves and tells Neko Majin's friend to call him to fight Neko Majin when he comes around. Later, Neko Majin's rival had stolen the source of his power, so Neko Majin's friend called Buu and told him that Neko Majin's rival was Neko Majin. Buu easily beats him and leaves very unfulfilled.

[edit] Saga arcs

[edit] Voice actors

[edit] Trivia

Some initial sketches of both Majin Buu and Evil Buu.
  • Fat Buu seems to be the only character in Dragon Ball Z who was eaten by one of Buu's various forms and survived as if he was absorbed. In the manga, it was stated by Super Buu that out of all the people he ate, Fat Buu was the only one to receive special treatment, and be absorbed instead of killed him.
  • Majin Buu is the only one of the three major villains in DBZ to have never had the solar flare used either by him, or against him.
  • The "wrapping goo" attack Fat Buu uses on Majin Vegeta (which Goten and Trunks later get him out of) is similar to the Merry-Go-Round Gum attack that Giran used against Goku at the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament in the original Dragon Ball.
  • Buu was the only major Dragon Ball Z villain to not have a tail (Vegeta had his Saiyan tail when he arrived, and Frieza and Cell both have tails). However, all main villains have some form of extra appendage. (Buu has his antennae, while others have tails).
  • Even though he is the oldest and easily the most powerful of the three main villains, he is by far the most infantile.
  • Despite his stupid and immature nature, he seems to be able to have a normal memory since he did remember certain things such as Bibidi telling him to destroy planets even though this was millions of years ago, and remembering the promise Goku made him for giving him a good fight.
  • During Majin Buu's first encounter with Goku, Goku tells him that he's a Saiyan. In the English Dub, Majin Buu tries to say "Saiyan" but it comes out as "Saiya-jin", a reference to the Japanese pronunciation for the Saiyan race.
  • Fat Buu, Vegeta and the Androids are all characters that were anticipated as being the ominous threat of their sagas, only to become good, and be brushed aside by the saga's true main villain.
  • Majin Buu is the only main DBZ villain to be killed by Goku (if Vegeta had died on Earth, it would most likely be either Krillin or Gohan who would have killed him; Frieza was defeated by Goku but was ultimately killed by Future Trunks; Cell was blown up by Goku, but survived and was killed by Gohan).

[edit] References

  1. Buu states that he can heal anyone as long as they are not dead (Dragon Ball Z manga, volume 24, chapter 290, page 164)

[edit] External links