DBZ Episode 79

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Gohan Attacks is the fifth episode of the Frieza Saga and the seventy-ninth overall episode in the uncut version of Dragon Ball Z series.


An enraged Gohan launching an unrelenting attack against Freeza.

After Krillin was impaled on one of Frieza's horns at the end of the last episode, Frieza takes a little time to toy with him, making sure he bleeds to death. Gohan, Dende and Vegeta can only watch helplessly, not yet ready to face Frieza's new second form.

On King Kai's planet, Chiaotzu, Tien Shinhan and Yamcha continue to train, trying to take their minds off their inability to participate in the fight. King Kai observes the events on Namek, lamenting Goku's interference with Frieza and what it may mean for the galaxy as a whole. Bulma, in the meantime, continues to wander aimlessly on the planet.

Krillin's last thought is wondering where Goku is. Goku is still stuck in an Rejuvenation Tank, unable to join until his wounds are healed. After Krillin loses consciousness, Frieza tosses him off, and his body falls into a nearby lake, apparently dead. As Frieza decides who to kill next, Gohan flies into a rage, getting the jump on him and striking him too quickly for him to react. Gohan blasts Frieza to the ground, shooting rapid-fire energy blasts at him. Gohan finishes with a Masenko, and it appears Frieza is down and out.

As the dust clears, Vegeta notices the condition Frieza was left in, and wonders if Gohan is becoming the Super Saiyan. Gohan snaps out of his rage, and immediately wonders where Krillin's body is. Dende pops out of the lake, having jumped in to retrieve Krillin, saying he's still alive.

Vegeta reminds Gohan that Frieza is still there, and his attack didn't get the job done. Frieza gets up, impressed by Gohan's power, but now only angry. But now that Gohan has his full attention, he powers up, prepared to attack with his full force.

As Dende drags Krillin out of the lake, he sees the effects of Frieza's power-up. Frieza moves to Gohan and proceeds to beat him severely, knocking him out rather quickly. As Frieza gloats, Vegeta shoots an energy blast at him as he's distracted, followed by his Double Galick Gun attack. The blast leaves Frieza unfazed, and he merely says Vegeta will get his turn to die.

Frieza turns his attention to Gohan, easily dodging a barrage of kicks before knocking him back down again with a knee to the gut. Gohan tries to fly away, only to get knocked to the ground once more. Tired of the games, Frieza stomps on Gohan's head, trying to crush it.


  • Gohan vs. Frieza (second form)


  • This episode of the edited English dub is actually two episodes (65a, "Gohan Attacks", and 65b, "Piccolo the Super-Namek "). The two episodes were originally edited together for broadcast on Cartoon Network due to the excessive graphic nature (and length) of a particular scene in which Krillin is impaled by Frieza with one of his horns. These episodes are presented uncut on DVD (later on the Remastered releases), but the episode numbering of the dub follows the edited version, so it is not immediately obvious. This is why "three" English episodes are listed alongside the four original Japanese episodes.

"Frieza cruelly toys with the helpless Krillin, eventually tiring of the game and tossing him into the water. Gohan, enraged, attacks Freeza with a stunning amount of power, but the onslaught does little more than surprise everyone. Frieza sets his sights on Gohan next, and begins his attack." cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.

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