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DBZ Episode 87

From Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the ''Dragon Ball'' wiki

(Redirected from The Ultimate Battle)
"Feeling a new sense of brotherhood with his long-lost Saiyan race, Goku wages a determined battle with the evil Frieza. As the fight ensues, it appears that Goku is holding his own! In an attempt to defeat Goku, Freiza directs his energy blasts at Namek itself, turning the planet into a deadly, lava-spitting war zone!" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.

The Ultimate Battle is the twelfth episode of the Frieza Saga and the eighty-seventh overall episode in the uncut version Dragon Ball Z series.The original Japanese title is "Cho Kessen no Makuake da!! Ommedake wa Ora ga Taosu" (超決戦の幕開けだ!! おめえだけはオラが倒す). The episode first aired on April 24, 1991. It's original American air date was October 6, 1999.


Goku begins his ultimate battle against Frieza, and it seems he and Frieza are equally matched, and even Frieza has to admit that he is the strongest Saiyan by far. Meanwhile, King Kai reveals that Goku might just have a chance, that if anyone could take down the evil tyrant, it would be him. Goku and Frieza match blow for blow, and Piccolo, Gohan and Krillin have trouble just watching them. The Z Fighters watch on anxiously as Goku is thrown into a pool of lava, and it seems that no-one stands a chance now, but Goku rushes up to the surface and reveals he is only beginning to warm up.


  • Goku vs. Frieza (Final Form)


  • As Krillin, at Piccolo's orders, is flying away, he turns around to tell Gohan to come with him. At this point, he is wearing his Turtle School uniform, rather than his Saiyan armor. Surprisingly, this was not corrected in Dragon Ball Kai, although Kai had corrected numerous larger animation errors.

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