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Colonel Violet

From Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the ''Dragon Ball'' wiki

Colonel Violet (バイオレット 大佐, Baioretto Taisa; FUNimation "Colonel Violet") is a member of the Red Ribbon Army.


Dragon Ball

Violet raiding the vault.

Violet was the only notable female officer in the Red Ribbon Army, although she only appeared briefly. While Violet was briefly seen in only two short panels in the manga, handing a Dragon Ball to Commander Red, her role was somewhat larger in the anime, but not enough for further consideration. Though she valued the money she received from the Red Ribbon Army for her services, she frequently demonstrated a callous disregard for the army's goals and soldiers. An example of this is when an Alligator was harassing Colonel Violet and her soldiers when they were hunting for a Dragon Ball, she throws two of her soldiers overboard as bait while she escapes to shore. Another example is when her pilot was killed by some angry natives, she did nott seem to care in the least and takes off though as nothing had happened. However, in the same scene she shows concern for a frightened baby Monkey, which she consoles and helps escape the melee.

Instead of fighting against Son Goku like the other soldiers during his invasion of Red Ribbon Army Headquarters, Violet ran to the vault and blew it open by pulling a piece of gum out of her mouth, sticking it to a bomb, and placing the bomb on the vault. She then proceeded to steal all of the valuables (except for the Dragon Balls, which were in the possession of Commander Red and Staff Officer Black) and escaped the base in a private aircraft. She was later seen when Goku's friends, who had been flying a plane to see if they could help Goku fight the Red Ribbon Army, were fired upon by Violet from her jet to get past them, though they managed to avoid her blasts. It is unknown what happened to her after that.

Dragon Ball Z

Violet appeared briefly in a flashback during the Androids Saga as Turtle Hermit told Maron the story of Goku's battle against the Red Ribbon Army. {-}}


Dragon Ball: The Path to Power

Violet in Path to Power.

Violet appeared in Dragon Ball: The Path to Power. She was sent to steal the final Dragon Ball from Goku. While flying in an orange jet, Goku knocked it out of the sky and it exploded.

Voice actresses


  • Violet's appearance in the Red Ribbon Army is contrary to what Blue says earlier in the series, which is that women are not needed in the Red Ribbon Army. Her appearance in the manga, however, is entirely limited to one panel.
  • Violet is possibly one of the few Red Ribbon Army members to have survived the events of the Red Ribbon Army Saga (others include Colonel Silver and possibly General Kappa). This is the last time she is seen or heard from in the series.
  • Violet is a boss character who Goku fights against while breaking into the Red Ribbon Army's vault in "Dragon Ball: Origins 2".
