DB Chapter 1

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"Bloomers and the Monkey King" (ブルマ と 孫 悟空, Buruma to Son Gokū; Literally meaning "Bulma and Son Goku") is the first chapter of Dragon Ball.


The cover features Son Goku riding with Bulma Brief while she is driving Capsule 9 through a forest.


Goku and Bulma meeting for the first time.
Goku getting mad at Bulma for touching his grandpa's Dragon Ball.
Goku defeating the Pterodactyl.

A young boy by the name of Goku rolled a tree stump down to his house while waving to some Monkeys. When he gets home Goku throws the tree stump in the air to break it into firewood. After chopping wood he greets his grandfather's memento and heads of through the woods, hunting for his next meal. While looking through the woods he decides to jump down a cliff to hunt for a Giant Fish which he catches by skinny dipping and luring it with his tail and then killing it by kicking it.

On his way back home, he was suddenly hit by the car of a girl named Bulma. Goku first thought Bulma's car was a monster and destroyed it. Bulma got angry and shot him with a gun. After she found that it was not effective, she quickly surrendered and revealed to Goku that she as a Human girl from the city. With Goku never seeing a girl before he curiously observes her and invites her to his house for lunch.

Upon arriving at his house, Bulma realized that Goku was in possession of a Dragon Ball. She got excited and grabbed it. Goku quickly took it away from her and told her that it was a keepsake from his deceased grandfather.

She explains that the Dragon Balls can summon a Dragon that grant wishes when all seven are gathered, and she has already collected two of them. Bulma tries to convince Goku to give her his Dragon Ball by lifting up her skirt to reveal her panties, to let him touch her bottom, but Goku rejects the offer. Reluctant to give up his only heirloom, Goku says that he will accompany Bulma and that she can use his ball at the end.

Just before the two set off on their quest, Bulma explains to Goku that they will be able to find the Dragon Balls using a device called the Dragon Radar. Next, Bulma takes out her Capsule case and uses Capsule No. 9, a motorcycle. While heading off on the motorcycle, Bulma drives off of a steep hill. After luckily landing safely, she is still frightened and stops to use the bathroom.

Before she can go, she is kidnapped by a large Pterodactyl. Goku hears Bulma screaming and decides to go over to see what has happened. The Pterodactyl claims to be a friend of Bulma, which Goku believes, and allows the Pterodacyl to tie Goku to a tree while he says he needs to talk with Bulma. Once the Pterodacyl flies off with her, Bulma yells for Goku to help him. Goku easily unties the rope using his tail and goes after them. Goku uses Bulma's motorcycle to launch into the air before using his Power Pole to knock the beast in mid-flight, and saving Bulma before she hits the ground by throwing the staff through her sleeves and using it to hold her to the side of a cliff. Before the chapter ends, Goku has landed safely as well and finds Bulma crying as she pees her pants.





Differences from the anime

Goku picking up the broken pieces of wood.
  • When Goku punches the tree stump in the manga, all of the wood scatters on the floor and Goku picks the pieces up. When Goku punches the tree stump in the anime, they fall neatly into a stack in the anime.
  • Goku simply walks to a cliff in the manga and jumps down to the river below to catch Fish. Goku first tosses a half-eaten apple and accidently hits a Saber-toothed Cat's head in the anime. The Saber-toothed Cat then chases Goku over a cliff and Goku gets the idea of catching Fish for dinner after landing in the river below.
  • Bulma does not lift her skirt up in the anime while Goku is observing her.
  • Mai, Pilaf, and Shuu do not appear in the manga.
  • Bulma's panties are simply white in the manga. Bulma's panties are white with pink polka dots in the anime.
  • The defeated Pterodactyl falls onto flat ground in the manga. The defeated Pterodactyl falls down into a ravine in the manga and hits the ground.


The four stars in a disfigured pattern.
  • The Four-Star Ball is shown in a disfigured pattern in one shot. This same mistake is repeated in the anime adaption.


  • This entire chapter takes place on September 1, 749 Age.
  • While Goku is walking through the woods, he says that he wishes he would run into a Tiger. This ends up happening in the anime adaptation of this part.
  • Bulma and Goku never eat the Giant Fish after they arrive at his house because the subject changes to Goku's Dragon Ball.


Emperor Pilaf Saga
Manga chapters
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Anime episodes
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